Find Your Winter Magic Personality
Via Canva
It's a snowy January day. What do you feel like doing?
Playing with my bestie
Hitting the ski slopes
Cozying up with a good book or movie
Via Canva
What's your favorite drink on a frosty winter night?
A latte
Hot chocolate
Hot tea
Anything that takes the chill out of my bones
Via Canva
What do you wear to keep warm outside on a cold winter day?
A Big Warm Wool Wear
A soft puffer coat with cozy boots and a scarf
A trendy jacket and boots with a cute hat
Slippers. I avoid going outside in the cold at all costs.
Via Canva
On a Snowy winter day, how do you feel?
Like FaceTiming a friend
Observe Snow and Relax
Like baking some cookies or writing a poem
If there's snow on the ground, I make snow balls
Via Canva
What's your favorite winter holiday?
New Years
Valentine's Day
I Love All Holidays
Via Canva
What's your favorite snow activity?
Skiing, snowboarding or snowshoeing
A winter walk, making snow angels and then sitting by the fireplace
Watching snow fall outside my window
A sledding or skating party followed by a bonfire
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