What Is Your Love Language?
Via Canva
Do you like to receive gifts?
No, I feel uncomfortable
Yes, as many as possible!
Why? Do you want a payback?
Via Canva
Do you and your partner spend a lot of time together?
Yes, we hang out a lot!
No, I like to spend time by myself.
Sometimes, but I don't mind if we do some things separately.
I love to spend time with them, even if we aren't doing anything.
Via Canva
Do you like to tell your partner what you like about them?
I don't compliment them a lot.
Yes, I always tell them how much I love them.
No, they know I love them, I don't need to tell them.
Do I have to?
Via Canva
Do you feel comfortable touching each other?
I hate physical touch. Gross ?
I can stand cuddling just for a while
I like cuddling and kissing a lot ?
I’m glued to them
Via Canva
Do you spend a lot of time thinking about the right gift?
Yes, it has to be something valuable
No, I just buy what I like for them
I like to handmade my gifts, so they are more special
I'll just ask them what they want
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