Wanna Know If Your Crush Likes You Back? Take This Level Of Attraction Quiz To See!
Via Canva
How does your crush reply to your messages?
Their replays are casual, like a friend
Their replays are short and cold
We don’t text
Their replays are detailed and playful
Via Canva
Which one better describes your social media interactions?
We often exchange memes
It’s random, but they usually show up when I post selfies
We replay to each other’s stories and posts
They don’t interact with my posts and stories
Via Canva
How do you react when you randomly encounter your crush?
I wave or say Hi
I can’t say hi because they usually ignore me
It depends on who’s with them
I do nothing
Via Canva
Have you ever been on a date with your crush?
Yes, and it went pretty well
No, but they invite me over
No, we don’t even know each other that much
Yes and no, I’m not sure if it was a date
Via Canva
How does your crush treat you when no one’s around?
They’re cold and serious
I feel they’re softer and more vulnerable
Nothing changes when we are alone
We have never been in a one-on-one situation
Via Canva
What do you usually talk about with your crush?
Random and funny stuff
our personal lives, feelings, and plans
We don’t talk a lot
Work or school
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