This Test Will Tell You If You're A Nerd, A Jock, A Goth Or A Preppy
Via Canva
Choose your favorite activity
A) Playing basketball
B) Playing videogames
C) Going on college tours
D) Reading Dracula by Bram Stocker
Via Canva
Choose your favorite food
A) Pizza
B) Lasagna
C) Tarantulas from Cambodia
D) Caesar salad
Via Canva
Which of these is your favorite song?
A) Gonna Fly Now - DeEtta West and Nelson Pigford
B) A Forest - The Cure
C) Flowers - Miley Cirus
D) The Quarantine Zone (20 Years Later) - Gustavo Santaolalla
Via Canva
Choose the series you like the most
A) Castlevania
B) Gossip Girls
C) Becoming Champ10n
D) Penny Dreadful
Via Canva
Choose your favorite drink
A) Coffee
B) Gatorade
C) Red wine
D) White wine
Via Canva
Which is your favorite character?
A) Michael Jordan
B) Wednesday
C) Kratos
D) Blair Waldorf
Via Canva
What would be your favorite gift?
A) Black leather boots
B) Nintendo Switch Oled
C) Colorful loafers
D) Muscle massage gun
Via Canva
Choose the city where you would like to live
A) Tokyo
B) New York
C) Shanghai
D) Paris
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