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I prefer to do things on my own, rather than with others.
Definitely Agree
Slightly Agree
Slightly disagree
Definitely disagree
Via Canva
I prefer doing things the same way - for instance my morning routine or trip to the supermarket
Definitely Agree
Slightly Agree
Slightly disagree
Definitely disagree
Via Canva
I find myself becoming strongly absorbed in something – even obsessional
Definitely Agree
Slightly Agree
Slightly disagree
Definitely disagree
Via Canva
I am very sensitive to noise and will wear earplugs or cover my ears in certain situations
Definitely Agree
Slightly Agree
Slightly disagree
Definitely disagree
Via Canva
Sometimes people say I am being rude, even though I think I am being polite.
Definitely Agree
Slightly Agree
Slightly disagree
Definitely disagree
Via Canva
I find it easy to imagine what characters from a book might look like.
Definitely Agree
Slightly Agree
Slightly disagree
Definitely disagree
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