What Is Your Pooh Pathology?
Via Canva
How do you feel when you are in class?
Ready for it to be over
If I can sleep, it doesn't bother me
If I'm near the window, no problem.
Great! I have fun organizing my desk
Via Canva
How do you complete your to-do-list?
I do it right away, pending things stress me me
I don't make to-do lists
I get distracted and never follow it
I follow it meticulously, though I always feel like I forgot something
Via Canva
Do you often lose important things?
No, but I do worry about losing them
All the time
Yes, and I always end up finding old things I've lost before.
Never! I always put them away and make sure they are there.
Via Canva
Do you like talking?
Only to people who are very close to me
Yes, but following the conversation is usually hard
Via Canva
Do you like eating?
Yes, but it stresses me out to have to plan the food
Just enough to survive
Of course!
Yes, although I'm afraid of getting sick
Via Canva
Do you have trouble falling asleep?
Yes, always
As long as I follow my nightly routine, no
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