This Ultimate Psychology Quiz Will Reveal If You Have ADHD
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Do you easily get distracted while doing tasks for work or school?
It’s so hard to stay concentrated on one thing
Not really
Most of the time
I can ignore anything
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Is it difficult for you to be an organized person?
I love organizing
I’m not organized
I always forget where I put things
I don’t have time for that
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Do you pay attention in conversations?
Yes, I do
It is so hard to keep focused
I’m a good listener
Not really
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Can you easily focus while you watch movies or TV?
I can’t
Yep, I enjoy watching movies
Not a movie or TV watcher
I get easily distracted by everything
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How often do you forget to do something you do all the time, like tasks for work/school?
I try to do my tasks on time
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Can you read a complete book?
I can’t imagine reading more than a chapter
It is super hard to read
I do love a good romance novel
I love reading all-day
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