Even If You Are A Stranger Things Fan, There Is No Way You Noticed These Details In Season 4
The name of the first episode (The Hellfire Club) Is related to:
The popular culture of the time.
The name of the malevolent force
The creators of the series
When Vickie talks about her love interest, Steve makes mention of the series....
Did you notice the ET reference in the cabin?
Yes, the series is inspired by ET
No, it has nothing to do with the series.
Yes, ET appears in the fourth season
In this season, it is finally confirmed:
The truth about Eleven's powers
The identity of who attacked Eleven
How Eleven escaped from HNL
What did you associate the American flag with?
With something Vickie said in season 1
With something Steve said in season 1
To something Erica said in season 1
With something Mike said in season 1
Did you notice who has already gone down the same stairs as Eleven?
Did you notice anything when Mike visits Lenora on Will's birthday?
No one tells him happy birthday
No one tells him about the supernatural events.
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