Ready To Challenge Yourself In This HARDCORE Poppy Playtime Odd Ones Out Puzzle Quiz?
Ready? Let's get started! Look carefully and tell us in which row is the different one.
Do you notice something different in this one? What is it?
One Huggy Wuggy is missing some teeth.
One Huggy Wuggy is missing an eye.
There is a different microphone
One of Huggy Wuggy's eyes is a different color.
You'll solve this one in no time! Where is the different one?
In the second to last row
Now for a more difficult one... what's different about this one?
There's a shoe different in color
There's a hair which is different in color
There's a microphone which is different in color
I don't see any differences
This one will be a piece of cake for you! In which row is the different one?
What is different about one of the Huggy Wuggys?
And, finally, a pretty easy one! In which row is the odd-one out?
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